ANHO 2024 Strategic Plan
ANHO Plans
Plan for Job Placement Services
Plan for Programs and Institutional Outcomes Follow Up
Work Readiness Program
Instructional Plan For Work Based Activities
Plan for the Health and Safety of Students in Cases of Sickness,
Accidents, or Emergency Healthcare Needs on Campus
Plan for Maintaining, Replacing and Disposing of Obsolete Equipment
Plan for Determining the Effectiveness of Student and Faculty Services
Plan For Health and Safety of the Institution's Employees, Students, and Guests
Plan for Media Service
Default Management Plan
Custodial Care Plan
Plan for the Ongoing Operation, Maintenance of the
Physical Facilities/Technical Infrastructure and Distance Education Infrastructure
Policy for Instructional Equipment
Instructional Supplies Statement
Learning Remediation Plan for Nursing Students
Plan for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Student Retention in all Programs
Long Range Plan for Adequacy and Improvement of Physical Technical Infrastructure
Plan for Protection of the Institution’s Technical Infrastructure
About Us
Institutional Mission Statement
Vision Statement
Belief Statement
Occupational / Institutional Advisory Council
Ownership/Governing Body
Administrative Control of ANHO - Board of Directors
Standing Responsibility
Organizational Structure
Administrative and Instructional Personnel
ANHO Licensure / Accreditation
Non-Discrimination and ADA Policy
State Complaints Process
Employee Grievance / Complaint Procedure
Grievance/Complaint Procedure For Non-Employee/Non-Student
Admission Standards Policy
Admission Requirements
For Patient Care Technician and Home Health Aida/Nurse Assistant
For Practical Nursing Including IV Skills And Critical Thinking,
Associate Of Science Degree In Practical Nursing,
Associate Of Science Degree In Nursing
Important Notice Regarding Criminal Backgrounds
Financial Aid
Predispute Arbitration And Class Action Waivers
Financial Aid
Policies and Procedures For DHS
Net Price Calculator
Cares Act
Net Price Calculator
Student Services
Learning Resources
Friday Learning Opportunities
Introduction To the World Of Evolve HESI
Learning Remediation For Practical Nursing Students
Introduction To the World Of ATI
Student Services
Satisfactory Progress
Standard 1 - Academic
Standard 2 - Attendance
Standard 3 - Decorum
Standard 4 - Skills
Standard 5 - Maximum Time Frame
Rules And Regulations For Both
Clock And Credit Hour
Scholastic Standards
Policy For Repeating Coursework In Audit Status
Missed Hours
Continual Acceptance Period
The Family Educational Rights And Privacy Act
Student Records
Student Records
Request For Official Transcripts
Request For Unofficial Student Records
Record Policy
Staying Current
Consumer Information
Grievance Procedures For Students
Grievance Procedures For (SARA) Students
Out Of State Disclosure
Licensure and Certification
Student Enrollment Agreement
Security Info
Sexual Misconduct Complaint Procedure
Drug Free
Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program Notice To Students and Employees
Saftey In Private Spaces Policy
Additional Info
ASRs - Annual Saftey Report(s)
Programs Offered
Schedule Of Programs
Schedule Of Programs
Course Numbering System
Units Of Credit
Continuing Education
Associate Of Science Degree Nursing (Professional)
Associate Of Science Degree In Practical Nursing
Patient Care Technician
Home Health Aide/Nurse Assistant
Practical Nursing Including IV Skills And Critical Thinking
Program Price List
Cost of Attendance
Contact Us
Public Updates
Student Updates
Academy for Nursing and Health Occupations
A Private, Not-for-Profit, Licensed and Nationally Accredited College of Nursing
Where dreams of a Better Tomorrow Come True … Learn, Grow, Become …
Located at:
5154 Okeechobee Blvd
West Palm Beach, FL 33417
Phone: (561)683-1400
Fax: (561)683-6773
Email Us
Academy for Nursing and Health Occupations follows the procedures below for the DHS-SAVE citizenship verification process when Title IV financial aid applicants indicate they are eligible non-citizens or permanent residents of the United States.
If the primary and automated secondary confirmation processes do not confirm eligible Title IV applicant status and the student submits reasonable evidence of eligible status, the school will initiate the paperless third step verification process via the SAVE system. The school will also use the paperless third step verification process if the school has conflicting information on the student’s immigration status after the CPS match.
All students who indicate an eligible status, but whose eligible status is not confirmed by the U.S. Department of Education’s (ED) Central Processing System (CPS) output document, will be given a copy of these procedures.
Students have 30 days from the later of the date the student receives this document, or the date the institution receives ED’s CPS output document to submit documentation for consideration of eligible non-citizen status.
Failure to submit the information by the deadline prevents the institution from disbursing any Title IV funds, or certifying the student as eligible for any Title IV funds.
The institution will not make the decision regarding “eligible non-citizen” status without giving the student the opportunity to submit documentation supporting a claim of eligibility.
Students must submit unexpired documentation of their current immigration status to the Financial Aid Office. The documentation must be official documents from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). In order to initiate the required process, students must submit USCIS documents which are legible and which demonstrate their latest status with USCIS.
The institution will initiate the paperless third step verification within 10 business days of receiving both the ED CPS output document and the student’s immigration status documents.
The institution will complete the electronic process on the DHS-SAVE system including uploading the student- provided immigration documents to the student’s record and submit the request. DHS-SAVE should respondwithin 3 to 5 business days.
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