Satisfactory Progress Satisfactory Progress is defined by a passing grade in five areas: 1) academic, to include stand-alone tests (SATs), 2) attendance/cumulative completion rates, 3) decorum, 4) skills, and 5) maximum time frame. Satisfactory Progress will be monitored at the end of each payment period/term and the end of the program.
This Satisfactory Progress Policy applies to all students regardless of the method they will be using to pay for their education (i.e., CareerSourcePBC, WTP, Title IV, private pay, scholarship, grant program or any other method of payment or program). This Satisfactory Progress Policy applies to all students regardless of whether they are full-time or part-time, attend day classes or evening classes, attend Nursing or Health Occupation classes.
Standard 1: ACADEMIC
For Clock Hour and Standard Term (Credit Hr) Programs: An academic grade average of at least seventy-eight percent (78% or “C”) is considered passing for Satisfactory Progress. In order to progress, all prerequisite courses must be passed. Prior to moving into Integration, a minimum score of 78% must be achieved on all previous courses. During the Integration course, Integration exams must be passed in order to graduate and be eligible to take licensure exams.
If a student does not meet satisfactory progress, they will be placed on warning. If, at the end of the warning term the student is not meeting satisfactory progress, the student is terminated. Student may apply for an appeal to be placed on probation. If appeal is accepted, student would be placed on probation, have an Academic Plan, as applicable, and may continue their financial aid eligibility. If the student is not meeting satisfactory progress they will be terminated.
Standard 2: ATTENDANCE
Attendance is extremely important in order to achieve success in the college and work environment. Therefore, students are expected to attend all classes and clinical scheduled by their respective Instructors.
For HHA/NA, PCT, and PN: Attendance will be taken and charted daily. Excused absences cannot exceed ten percent (10%) of the scheduled hours. If 10% or less, the missed (excused) hours do not need to be made up, but the work must be mastered. The students’ verbal report of their circumstance is sufficient for determining “excused” status.
Any absences exceeding 10% must be made up according to this college’s “Procedure for Making-Up Missed Hours/Coursework/Competencies” which is included in the student handbook. All coursework must be mastered. If a student does not make up missed hours by the end of the payment period, their progress will be considered unsatisfactory and will be placed on warning. If student is not successful at the end of the payment period, they will be terminated. Student may apply for an appeal to be placed on probation. If accepted, student would be placed on probation, have an Academic Plan, as applicable, and may continue their financial aid eligibility for one payment period. At the end of the payment period if they are not meeting satisfactory progress they will be terminated. In the event that a student misses fourteen (14) consecutive calendar days, they will be deemed unsatisfactory and terminated from the program.
For PN Credit Hour Programs: Attendance will be taken and charted daily. Excused absences cannot exceed ten percent (10%) of scheduled days. If 10% or less, the missed (excused) days do not need to be made up, but the work must be mastered. The students’ verbal report of their circumstance is sufficient for determining “excused” status. Any absences exceeding 10% must be made up according to this college’s “Procedure for Making-Up Missed Hours/Coursework/Competencies” which is included in the student handbook. All coursework must be mastered. If a student does not make up missed days by the end of the term, their progress will be considered unsatisfactory and will be placed on warning. If student is not successful at the end of the term, they will be terminated. Student may apply for an appeal to be placed on probation. If accepted, student would be placed on probation, have an Academic Plan, as applicable, and may continue their financial aid eligibility for one term. At the end of the term if they are not meeting satisfactory progress they will be terminated. In the event that a student misses fourteen (14) consecutive calendar days, they will be deemed unsatisfactory and terminated from the program.
For the ADN Program: If absent, students are required to master all missed coursework. In the event that a student misses fourteen (14) consecutive calendar days of coursework, they will be deemed unsatisfactory and terminated from the program
Standard 3: DECORUM
All Students, regardless of Clock Hour or Standard Term (Credit Hr) must behave in a professional and courteous manner demonstrating sound judgment, maturity, honesty, respectfulness, and compassion for patients, faculty and co-students, or they will be terminated from the program. There are some circumstances which are so severe that may result in automatic termination without counseling and without warning. Examples of such infractions are:- Inflicting harm, abuse, neglect, abandonment or theft affecting a patient, a Health Care Facility, the School, Students, or Faculty/Staff.
- Use of or under the influence of controlled substances including alcohol at any time while on or around school and/or clinical premises.
- Breach of Honesty, Integrity, Confidentiality or Patient Rights.
- Violation of the Agency for Health Care Administration conditions of acceptability for health care employment regarding Criminal and Drug Abuse offenses.
- Fighting, threatening, or profanity.
- Possession of a weapon of any kind, at any time while on or around classroom or clinical premises.
- Cheating, dishonesty, falsification
- Incivility, bullying, harassment
- Sexual Misconduct
Anti-Hazing Policy: All student activities relating to hazing such as subjecting another student to abusstandard4e, humiliation or ridicule will be prohibited. In the event that any student is involved in such an activity, immediate disciplinary action, including termination, will ensue. This policy will be strictly enforced.
If a student fails decorum due to a circumstance that does not rise to immediate termination, they may be placed on a financial aid warning continuing financial aid eligibility, and if decorum is not corrected (i.e., professional and courteous manner demonstrating sound judgment, maturity, honesty, respectfulness, and compassion for patients, faculty and co-students), student may apply for a financial aid appeal and if accepted will be placed on financial aid probation. In the event that the student is still not satisfactory at the end of the probation term, the student will be terminated.
For Clock Hour and Standard Term (Credit Hr) Programs: Students must pass the clinical portion of the course. This will be evidenced by the Instructor’s evaluation of clinical experiences/application, demonstration of skills and ability to correctly explain the steps of procedures in order to safely care for patients. Data collection, care plans, notes, medications, case studies, simulation, EHR, clinical projects and SCANS Competencies may also be evaluated as part of the clinical experience/application. Entry level skill-attainment is what is expected and used as the guideline to measure ability. Skills evaluated are those described in each course of the curriculum. Clinical facility staff evaluation of the student is also considered in the students’ grade. If a student misses clinical time, they forfeit the opportunity to adequately demonstrate skill attainment resulting in failure for that course and will be placed on warning. At the end of the term, if student is not meeting satisfactory progress, the student is terminated. Student may apply for an appeal and, if approved, will be placed on probation with an Academic Plan, if applicable. In the event that the student is still not satisfactory at the end of the probation term, the student will be terminated.
The maximum time frame for satisfactorily completing a program may not exceed one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the published length of the program (for example): | Scheduled Time | Maximum Time | | Hr Programs (sample) | 20 Weeks | 30 Weeks | To be measure at each payment period/term(1-301.5 hrs 301.5-603 hrs) | | A student must complete a program measured in clock hours within a period no longer than 150 percent of the published length. Example: If the published length of the program is 1518 hours and 51 weeks, a student must complete the program within 2277 hours and 77 weeks. | For Standard Term (Credit Hr) Programs: The cumulative completion rate, the standard that must be maintained for meeting satisfactory progress is 66.67% or above of attempted credits must be successfully completed. Any time a student withdraws or failed a class after the Conditional Acceptance Period, for any reason, it is counted as an attempt. Example of cumulative completion rate: If a student attempted 24 credit hours but only successfully completed 12 cumulative credit hours, this equates to 50% cumulative completion rate which would not be satisfactory. The student cannot exceed more than 150% of program credit hours. |
The student may have more than 1 term to meet completion rate of 66.67%; however, all courses in each term must be passed or students will terminated.
Student Progression within CLOCK HOUR programs:
At the completion of each term satisfactory progress will be evaluated:Those students who have a minimum of a 78% cumulative grade average, have passed all prerequisite courses, and have met attendance, decorum, skills and maximum timeframe, have met satisfactory progress and will proceed.
If the student does not meet Satisfactory Progress standards, and the Dean determines that the student has the ability to be successful, the student is placed on warning status.
At the end of the warning term, if student is not meeting satisfactory progress, financial aid will be terminated. The student may apply for an appeal by completing an appeal form. If appeal is approved, student will be placed on probation for one additional term and will remain eligible for financial aid. At this time a student will have an Academic Plan as applicable. At the end of the probation term, if student is not successful, they will be terminated. (Refer to #2 under ANHO Rules and Regulations for Returning Students)
Regarding Integration, all prior coursework must be passed prior to the start of Integration. Integration must be passed in order to be eligible to graduate and become eligible to take licensing exams. Failing the requirements for passing Integration will result in being placed on probation. If not successful, student will be terminated from the Program. Once, terminated, the student may apply for re-enrollment. (Refer to #2 under ANHO Rules and Regulations for Returning Students)
Student Academic Progression within STANDARD TERM (Credit Hr) Programs:
Please note that in the program description there are several instances where program Prerequisite Courses must be passed before progressing to the next sequential course. Corequisite courses must be taken or repeated together.
If the students does not meet Satisfactory Academic Progress standards, and the Dean determines that the student has the ability to be successful, the student is placed on warning status. During this term, the student will continue to be eligible for Title IV Funding. If the student doesn’t meet satisfactory progress standards at the end of the Warning Term, student will be terminated. They may apply for an appeal. If granted, student will be placed on probation, continue financial aid eligibility and will have an Academic Plan, as applicable. At the end of the probation term, if student is not successful, they will be terminated. (Refer to #2 under ANHO Rules and Regulations for Returning Students)
If a student cannot progress beyond the prerequisite requirement due to unsatisfactory progress, the student may repeat the term and may continue financial aid eligibility. All repeated courses must be counted as attempted credits as it applies to the maximum time frame requirement. The most recent grade will count regardless of whether a course was previously passed or failed.
Regarding Integration, all prior coursework must be passed prior to the start of Integration. Integration must be passed in order to be eligible to graduate and become eligible to take licensing exams. Failing the requirements for passing Integration will result in being placed on probation. If not successful, student will be terminated from the Program. Once, terminated, the student may apply for re-enrollment. (Refer to #2 under ANHO Rules and Regulations for Returning Students)