Academy for Nursing and Health Occupations

A Private, Not-for-Profit, Licensed and Nationally Accredited College of Nursing
Where dreams of a Better Tomorrow Come True … Learn, Grow, Become …
Located at:
5154 Okeechobee Blvd
West Palm Beach, FL 33417
Phone: (561)683-1400
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Plan for Maintaining, Replacing and Disposing of Obsolete Equipment

The purpose of this plan is to ensure that appropriate equipment is available and in good working order for students and faculty to achieve the objectives of each program offered including on line courses. The Director of Operations is responsible for the maintenance, repair and replacement of equipment. The Director of Operations will utilize the service of contract help as needed. Equipment includes that related to learning resources, physical resources and technical resources.

Objective: To ensure that equipment is readily available for all constituents use as needed to support successful achievement of objectives.


The Executive Director annually compares the Department of Education’s suggested lists of equipment to ANHO’s equipment. Clinical experience equipment and supply availability is also considered. Relevant and up to date equipment is available to support each program offered.

None of the institutional equipment used are deemed to be safety risks. No invasive equipment is used on humans. All sharps are ordered with safety covers and safety disposal systems even though they are not used on humans.

The Director of Operations is responsible for ordering any and all necessary equipment for new programs and on-going programs, as they are used, or delete equipment for discontinued use.

On a daily basis, any maintenance problems noted when faculty and staff are using equipment will be brought to the attention of the Director of Operations immediately. In addition, the designated Fire Department Representative will perform biannual preventative maintenance checks.

In the event that any materials/equipment are in disrepair either on a daily basis or at the bi-annual review, a timely report will be made to the Director of Operations who will evaluate and plan when repair or replacement will be made in order to ensure continuity of program objectives. If the Director of Operations is not available, the Executive Director will be responsible to take the necessary action. Secure disposal of equipment will include witnessing the destruction of all private information prior to equipment disposal.

Equipment to be reviewed bi-annually by the Director of Operations is evaluated for safety. Whenever this equipment is found to be in disrepair or unsafe, the below stated procedure will be followed.

  • Utilize surplus equipment stored for this purpose or arrange for immediate repair or replacement is ordered.
  • In the event repair or replacement can not be accomplished immediately, the reciprocal lending agreement plan will be implemented so that there is no waiting time for utilization of safe and effective materials. These reciprocal relationships exist with the School’s Affiliating Facilities.

  • Once replacement is deemed necessary, the items in disrepair will immediately be disposed of. The Controller is in charge of verifying actual disposal and revising inventory list of capital equipment.

  • Petty cash and an expansion fund is maintained to pay for all unplanned needs.

  • Inventory of equipment is taken annually every summer and is completed in one day. (property control procedures – Fiscal Policy and Procedures.) Results are compiled by the Director of Operations.

Emergency purchases of equipment are procured as needed according to the emergency purchase policy (located in the Fiscal Policy and Procedures). All management personnel are authorized to procure in an emergency situation.

Monetary provisions are reviewed annually and as necessary for the purchase of new and replacement equipment according to this school’s Small Purchase Policy including emergency purchases (included in ANHO’s Fiscal Policy & Procedure). Petty cash and expansion funds are maintained for any unplanned financial needs so as to repair essential equipment in a timely manner therefore supporting continuous program instruction.


Student/Faculty evaluation surveys of equipment is summarized by the Executive Director. Suggestions for upgrading are reviewed by the faculty and management team and implemented as appropriate. Input is received from Advisory Council and progress of plan is evaluated and approved by the Board of Directors Annually. The Executive Director evaluates all data on an annual basis and presents findings to all constituents, instructional personnel, and administrative staff at an annual staff meeting via the Executive Director’s Annual Evaluative Report.


ANHO appreciates and utilizes input from faculty, students, employees, and advisors on an annual basis. The management team reviews summaries of evaluations and reviews/revises plans, policies, and procedures as warranted. Policies and procedures are continually updated as it is considered a work in progress. All plans are publicly posted outside of the Media Center, school website, and server for all to peruse.

Revised 03/10/2022