ANHO 2024 Strategic Plan
ANHO Plans
Plan for Job Placement Services
Plan for Programs and Institutional Outcomes Follow Up
Work Readiness Program
Instructional Plan For Work Based Activities
Plan for the Health and Safety of Students in Cases of Sickness,
Accidents, or Emergency Healthcare Needs on Campus
Plan for Maintaining, Replacing and Disposing of Obsolete Equipment
Plan for Determining the Effectiveness of Student and Faculty Services
Plan For Health and Safety of the Institution's Employees, Students, and Guests
Plan for Media Service
Default Management Plan
Custodial Care Plan
Plan for the Ongoing Operation, Maintenance of the
Physical Facilities/Technical Infrastructure and Distance Education Infrastructure
Policy for Instructional Equipment
Instructional Supplies Statement
Learning Remediation Plan for Nursing Students
Plan for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Student Retention in all Programs
Long Range Plan for Adequacy and Improvement of Physical Technical Infrastructure
Plan for Protection of the Institution’s Technical Infrastructure
About Us
Institutional Mission Statement
Vision Statement
Belief Statement
Occupational / Institutional Advisory Council
Ownership/Governing Body
Administrative Control of ANHO - Board of Directors
Standing Responsibility
Organizational Structure
Administrative and Instructional Personnel
ANHO Licensure / Accreditation
Non-Discrimination and ADA Policy
State Complaints Process
Employee Grievance / Complaint Procedure
Grievance/Complaint Procedure For Non-Employee/Non-Student
Admission Standards Policy
Admission Requirements
For Patient Care Technician and Home Health Aida/Nurse Assistant
For Practical Nursing Including IV Skills And Critical Thinking,
Associate Of Science Degree In Practical Nursing,
Associate Of Science Degree In Nursing
Important Notice Regarding Criminal Backgrounds
Financial Aid
Predispute Arbitration And Class Action Waivers
Financial Aid
Policies and Procedures For DHS
Net Price Calculator
Cares Act
Net Price Calculator
Student Services
Learning Resources
Friday Learning Opportunities
Introduction To the World Of Evolve HESI
Learning Remediation For Practical Nursing Students
Introduction To the World Of ATI
Student Services
Satisfactory Progress
Standard 1 - Academic
Standard 2 - Attendance
Standard 3 - Decorum
Standard 4 - Skills
Standard 5 - Maximum Time Frame
Rules And Regulations For Both
Clock And Credit Hour
Scholastic Standards
Policy For Repeating Coursework In Audit Status
Missed Hours
Continual Acceptance Period
The Family Educational Rights And Privacy Act
Student Records
Student Records
Request For Official Transcripts
Request For Unofficial Student Records
Record Policy
Staying Current
Consumer Information
Grievance Procedures For Students
Grievance Procedures For (SARA) Students
Out Of State Disclosure
Licensure and Certification
Student Enrollment Agreement
Security Info
Sexual Misconduct Complaint Procedure
Drug Free
Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program Notice To Students and Employees
Saftey In Private Spaces Policy
Additional Info
ASRs - Annual Saftey Report(s)
Programs Offered
Schedule Of Programs
Schedule Of Programs
Course Numbering System
Units Of Credit
Continuing Education
Associate Of Science Degree Nursing (Professional)
Associate Of Science Degree In Practical Nursing
Patient Care Technician
Home Health Aide/Nurse Assistant
Practical Nursing Including IV Skills And Critical Thinking
Program Price List
Cost of Attendance
Contact Us
Public Updates
Student Updates
Academy for Nursing and Health Occupations
A Private, Not-for-Profit, Licensed and Nationally Accredited College of Nursing
Where dreams of a Better Tomorrow Come True … Learn, Grow, Become …
Located at:
5154 Okeechobee Blvd
West Palm Beach, FL 33417
Phone: (561)683-1400
Fax: (561)683-6773
Email Us
Friday Learning Opportunities
The Academy for Nursing and Health Occupations provides additional academic assistance to students.
Learning Opportunity sessions will be held on Fridays at the Academy for Nursing and Health Occupations.
Students who must participate in these learning opportunities are:
Students who have missed more than 10% of class/clinical hours
Students who have failed a course or Stand Alone Test
Students who are on probation
Any student who desires to attend
Friday sessions are held from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Resources available on Fridays include:
Learning Lab:
Learning exercises and Study Skills Development including how to use objectives, flash cards, workbooks and other study materials. Instructor role is that of coach: guiding individual students in the completion of the tasks to be accomplished and answering questions that will assist the student in the most beneficial manner of learning how to use the above tools. This is accomplished in a quiet environment with individual assistance given by the instructor to each student as needed..
Open Forum:
The goals of this approach are accomplished through small group study, review and group discussion of
student generated questions
in any subject area. Instructor role is to facilitate learning by guiding and coaching, discussion, asking and answering questions, explanation of the more difficult concepts, etc.
Skill Lab
Fundamental Nursing Skills as well as more advanced Nursing Skills (from vital signs and mouth care to catheterization and medication administration). Needs are identified by the individual student who arrives in need of better understanding and confidence in performing skills.
Remediation material will be available.
Pharmacology and Math:
This program is designed to review and practice advanced math skills as well as to help students with clarification of the facets of pharmaceuticals: Classifications, side effects, nursing implications connecting the uses and effects of drugs with current subject areas such as Medical/Surgical, Obstetric and Pediatric Nursing. Role of Instructor/Employment Counselor is to demonstrate and facilitate practice with math allowing time for students to practice quietly, helping individuals as needed.
A plan will be posted in advance of each Friday session. The plan will specify what activity is taking place in which classroom, when and which instructor is assigned. The schedule will be posted by Tuesday of each week so students can plan for the upcoming Friday session.
Each instructor will have attendance sheets and all students are required to sign in and out on these individual attendance sheets.
Instructors are to insure students are engaged in the various learning opportunities offered and coach and guide as outlined above.
On those Fridays when CNA Testing is occurring, the environment must be quiet and the media center and classrooms 1 and 2 are utilized exclusively for the CNA Testing. No one is to enter these rooms while CNA Testing is occurring.
The individual attendance sheets are to be placed in the Records mailbox in the copy room at the end of the day and evening sessions
6.At the end of the evening, lights are to be turned off in all classrooms and offices; all computers are shut down, all thermostats are to be turned to 76; all doors locked and the building doors closed and secured.
All plans are publicly posted outside of the Media Center, school website, and server for all to peruse.
Revised Nov 2021
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