Academy for Nursing and Health Occupations

A Private, Not-for-Profit, Licensed and Nationally Accredited College of Nursing
Where dreams of a Better Tomorrow Come True … Learn, Grow, Become …
Located at:
5154 Okeechobee Blvd
West Palm Beach, FL 33417
Phone: (561)683-1400
Fax: (561)683-6773
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This plan is to ensure the health and safety of the institution’s employees, students and guests. The Assistant Director/Dean is responsible for this Plan.


To assure preventative health and safety measures are in place for all ANHO constituents. To maintain readiness in cases of sickness, accidents, or emergency Healthcare needs on campus is in use.

  1. All employees are oriented and updated regarding policies, procedures and plans of ANHO which include the Health and Safety Policies and Procedures relating to the health and safety of employees, students and guests.

  2. Orientation includes review and familiarity of policies, procedures and plans including incident investigation and reporting protocols. All employees have access to a copy of the incident report form for use when needed and the established protocols are followed and reviewed by the Management Team.

  3. There is a Health and Safety section included in the school catalogue for student use and information to guide daily safe practices as well as additional policies in the Handbook.

  4. Evacuation/Safety/Security Procedures are reviewed with all classes during orientation. Random drills are held throughout the year and are evaluated. A safety committee of students, staff and faculty will be formed if and when a trend or pattern emerges.

  5. Students and employees working in health care facilities will comply with inoculations, health and safety rules of the health care facility.

  6. Influenza vaccine is offered free of charge for all students and employees.


Guest, student, and staff input is considered and evaluated when annual reviews of policy and procedures are undertaken by Management Team, Advisory Council, and the Governing Board of ANHO. The Management Team reviews incident report situations as they happen for corrective measures, and annually reviews for trends and patterns that necessitate corrective action. The Executive Director evaluates all data on an annual basis and presents findings to all instructional personnel and administrative staff at an annual staff meeting with the Executive Director’s Annual Summary.


ANHO appreciates and utilizes input from both students and employees. The Management Team reviews summaries of evaluations and reviews/revises plans, policies and procedures as warranted. Employee policies and procedures are continually updated as they are considered a work in progress. Current plans are posted outside of the Media Center, school website, and server for all to peruse.

Revised 02/25/2020