Academy for Nursing and Health Occupations

A Private, Not-for-Profit, Licensed and Nationally Accredited College of Nursing
Where dreams of a Better Tomorrow Come True … Learn, Grow, Become …
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Patient Care Technician

Title:Patient Care Technician
 Program # PC-1                                Diploma Granted

Weeks: 22/24            Clock Hours
Theory   432
Lab   66
Clinical   105
Total   603

Program Objectives: 1)) To prepare students to meet the requirements of the State of Florida for the training of Patient Care Technicians which includes the occupational levels of Home Health Aide, Nurse Assistant, Patient Care Assistant, as well as three allied health modules including a) Rehab/Restorative Aide Skills, b) Phlebotomy skills, and c) EKG skills. 2) To be prepared to give care to patients in the home, in long term care, in nursing homes, in acute hospitals, in out-patient and rehab settings, as well as Adult Living Facilities and Physician's Offices, 3)To prepare students to successfully obtain and maintain employment in a wide variety of health care settings, 4) To prepare students for an effective job search, 5) To prepare students to take the State of Florida Nurse Assistant Certification Exam, 6) To prepare students to have allied health skills in addition to all other caretaking skills appropriate for Nurse Assistants so they may access the wide variety of health care career opportunities.

Program Description: This program includes Home Health Aide, Nurse Assisting, Patient Care Assisting, as well as one of the following allied health modules for students to choose from, such as: Rehab/Restorative Aide Skills, Phlebotomy Skills, or EKG skills. Classroom lectures, demonstrations, return demonstrations, and clinical experience in selected Nursing Homes, Outpatient Settings and Hospitals include the required curriculum framework and National Patient Safety Standards, and Program Course Standards for Patient Care Technicians. Lectures, exercises, case studies assignments, IPR Skills, and role playing are designed to develop logical thought, and conflict resolution as it relates to Health Care and Medical Ethics. Students are cross-trained in the areas of their choice in the allied health area(s) they are most interested in to enhance their value to employers and offer them the greatest variety of career opportunities. A great deal of emphasis is placed upon students’ theoretical and clinical proficiency so that they will be well prepared to take the State of Florida Nurse Assistant Clinical Competency Demonstration Exam and the State of Florida Nurse Assistant Theoretic Knowledge Written Exam. Job Search assistance is provided so that the student may find employment opportunities to meet their unique needs. Employment and Re-Employment Skills, Conflict Resolution Skills, and Sensitivity Training are also included in this program for self-improvement. Instructors are available daily to offer special help to students as needed. Students are encouraged to enhance their capabilities and be motivated to meet their personal goals in a positive, caring atmosphere where graduation expectations begin the first day of class. National Patient Safety Standards and Quality Measures are incorporated throughout.

PC101:Introduction to Health Care: Health Careers Core - 90 hours
Theory =72 hours     Lab=18 hours    Clinical=0 hours

This course is the introductory course required for all health occupational programs introducing them to the healthcare system. Students learn the basic skills needed to keep themselves and their patients safe, introductory emergency procedures, universal precautions, HIV/AIDS, how to communicate with patients, basic concepts of wellness and illness, introductory computer and employability skills as well as the basic math and science needed for understanding health care.

Student Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the healthcare delivery system and health occupations
  • Demonstrate the ability to communicate and use interpersonal skills effectively
  • Demonstrate legal and ethical responsibilities
  • Demonstrate an understanding of and apply wellness and disease concepts
  • Recognize and practice safety and security procedures
  • Recognize and respond to emergency situations
  • Recognize and practice infections control procedures
  • Demonstrate and understanding of information technology applications in healthcare
  • Demonstrate employability skills
  • Demonstrate knowledge of blood borne diseases including HIV/AIDS
  • Apply basic math and science skills
PC102:Home Health Aide - 75 hours
Theory =42 hours     Lab=17 hours    Clinical=16 hours

The Home Health Aide Course is designed to teach students how to completely care for patients in a home setting including both geriatric and younger populations. The nursing procedures of personal care, rehabilitation, physical comfort, safety, bio-psycho social support, nutrition, and infection control are covered. Students are taught to follow a plan of care and to call for assistance as needed.

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
  • Use verbal and written communication specific to home health aide
  • Demonstrate legal and ethical responsibilities specific to home health aide
  • Perform physical comfort and safety functions specific to home health
  • Apply principles of nutrition specific to home health aide
  • Apply principles of infection control specific to home health aide
  • Perform home health care services (15 hrs)
PC103:Nurse Assistant - 75 hours
Theory =29 hours     Lab=6 hours    Clinical=40 hours

Students completing this course will learn the nursing procedures and functions related to caring for patients in a long term care setting. Concepts and skills covered relate to personal care, comfort and safety, communication, legal and ethical responsibilities, nutrition, infection control, rehabilitation, bio-psycho social support and infection control. These are taught for geriatric and younger patients. Students will learn to follow a plan of care and to obtain assistance when needed.

Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
  • Use verbal and written communications specific to nurse assisting
  • Demonstrate legal and ethical responsibilities specific to nurse assisting
  • Perform physical comfort and safety functions specific to nurse assisting
  • Provide personal patient care
  • Perform patient care procedure
  • Apply principles of nutrition
  • Provide care for geriatric patients
  • Apply the principles of infection control specific to nurse assisting
  • Provide biological, psychological, and social support
  • Perform supervised organizational functions, following the patient plan of care
  • Assist with restorative (rehabilitative) activities)
PC104:Patient Care Assistant - 23 hours
Theory =13 hours     Lab=2 hours    Clinical=8 hours

This course is offered to assist students to apply nursing skills previously learned to an acute care setting. Skills and knowledge unique to the hospital setting will be covered.

Student Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
  • Perform Nursing Assistant skills related to the hospital setting
  • Provide Nursing Assistant care for the adult patient
PC105:Patient Care Technician - 112 hours
Theory =102 hours     Lab=2 hours    Clinical=8 hours

This course is designed to ready students for the increasing responsibility and accountability of the technician level role in health care organizations. Concept and competencies of critical thinking informed consent, reliability, honesty, and ethics, will be covered. Students will be taught how to organize their work with independence and precision.

Student Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:
  • Demonstrate knowledge of organizational and effective team member skills
  • Practice organizational and effective team member skills in a clinical setting

The following modules totaling 228 hours (174 hrs Theory / 21 hrs Lab / 33 hrs Clinical)

Theory =58 hours     Lab=7 hours    Clinical=11 hours

This course introduces the student to the basic structure and function of the heart and its electrical system as well as how to conduct the EKG test. Cardiovascular medications are reviewed along with learning normal and abnormal test results.

Student Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
  • Describe the cardiovascular system
  • Demonstrate knowledge of, apply and use medical instrumentation modalities
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the use of electrocardiographic equipment on patients who have special needs and considerations
  • Perform patient care techniques in the health care facility
  • Demonstate knowledge of telemetry application
  • Assist with the patient care of patients undergoing ambulatory monitoring and stress testing
  • Demonstrate knowledge of patient care of patients with pacemakers and implanted defibrillators
  • Identify legal and ethical responsibilities of an EKG/ECG monitor technician
  • Recognize normal and abnormal monitoring
Theory =58 hours     Lab=7 hours    Clinical=11 hours

This course teaches students basic communication, written math and science skills for beginning health workers. It introduces the structure and function of the vascular system, drawing blood utilizing the correct collection equipment. Universal precautions and emergency interventions are stressed along with procedures for transporting and processing specimens.

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
  • Demonstrate accepted professional communication and interpersonal skills of a phlebotomist
  • Discuss phylebotomy in relation to the health care setting
  • Identify the anatomic structure and function of body systems in relation to serices performed by Phlebotomist
  • Recognize and identify collection reagents, supplies, equipment and interfering chemical substances
  • Demonstrate skills and knowledge necessary to perform phlebotomy
  • Practice accepted procedures of transporting, accessioning, and processing specimens
  • Practice quality assurance and safety
PC108:Rehab/Restorative Aide
Theory =58 hours     Lab=7 hours    Clinical=11 hours

This course is designed to teach students the basic and introductory skills of rehab/restorative care. Competencies and skills taught include using rehab equipment, disinfecting materials and equipment, exercise techniques, and using supportive devices. This course covers dysfunctions of the human body related to rehab and following care plans.

Student Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
  • Describe the functions of bones and muscles as related to the practice of physical therapy
  • Demonstrate physical restorative type skills
  • Demonstrate respiratory restorative skills
  • Demonstrate rehabilitiative skills as related to Geriatric patients
Please see Admission Requirements for Health Occupations Program.