Academy for Nursing and Health Occupations

A Private, Not-for-Profit, Licensed and Nationally Accredited College of Nursing
Where dreams of a Better Tomorrow Come True … Learn, Grow, Become …
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Plan for Job Placement Services
The purpose of this plan is to ensure that proper procedures are in place and followed to assure that placement services are both systematic and continuous. Students will be assisted with job placement. This will be achieved with guidance and assistance from their Instructor/Employment Counselor and the Job Development Placement Counselor. Objective: To assist students to attain training related employment. However, no guarantee of placement will be implied and there will be no charge to the student for such services. The person responsible for this plan is the Academic Dean.

  1. Work Readiness Concepts are taught as an integrated part of each program’s curriculum. Instructor/Employment Counselors begin working with students on their job attainment plan from enrollment and continuously throughout the curriculum. The Academic Dean of each program insures there is current demographic, employment and contact information collected from students at each term. This information is reviewed for completeness, corrected as necessary and placed in the “Placement Book” for each specific class, by the Academic Dean. The “Placement Book” should contain the following: current employment information, Program Outcome forms and Verification of Employment forms. Work Readiness documents are to be provided to the Record Department by the Academic Dean, to be filed in the student’s permanent record.

  2. The job search and verification is documented on the appropriate form as part of Work Readiness II. The assigned Instructor/Employment Counselor will review the job search documentation providing feedback to the student regarding progress, job leads, performance, etc. As part of the advisement and coaching, it is expected that students will make as many contacts and engage in as many interviews as it takes to obtain a training related position. Students are taught to make a comprehensive job search utilizing various resources. ANHO maintains a listing of employers and employment opportunities that students are able to peruse.

  3. The Academic Dean will insure that employment activities as outlined above are taking place,that documentation of activities is complete and that employment is verified once a student has attained employment. The Job Development Placement Counselor will be available to support the Academic Dean and/or the Instructor/Employment Counselor with placement activities in an effort to obtain employment for students prior to graduation.

  4. For students who exit from a program for any reason, all paperwork pertaining to that student must be turned in as follows by the Academic Dean: Program Outcome form and any supporting placement documentation must be provided to the Record Department. If student is transferring to another class, the Academic Dean, must ensure that the placement paperwork is transferred to the appropriate Placement Book of class the student is now attending. Once transferred, it is the responsibility of the current Instructor/Employment Counselor to continue following this student for placement purposes.

Person Responsible:Director / Dean of Student Services

Evaluation: At the conclusion of Work Readiness I & II for each program, the Academic Dean will evaluate and take appropriate action as necessary.

Follow Up: After training completions, the Job Development Placement Counselor will provide quarterly placement statistics at management meetings between Academic Dean and Job Placement department.

Annual evaluation report is shared with all employees, Advisors and Board of Directors. Consumer data is posted on college’s website including the achievement of Placement information by program.

By reviewing the placement statistics on a quarterly basis, the Management Team will ensure that procedures for improvement, if needed, are implemented and are improving statistics in order to meet the school’s expected outcomes.

This plan is annually reviewed and revised by the school’s Faculty, Advisory Council and Governing Board. The Executive Director evaluates all data on an annual basis . and presents findings to all instructional personnel and administrative staff at the annual staff evaluative meeting on the Executive Director’s Annual Report. It is available to all staff on the school’s server. Instructors share this plan with their students as they cover employability and job placement activities. The management team uses feedback from students and staff when reviewing and revising this plan. All plans are publicly posted outside of the Media Center for all to peruse.

Revised June 2022