Academy for Nursing and Health Occupations

A Private, Not-for-Profit, Licensed and Nationally Accredited College of Nursing
Where dreams of a Better Tomorrow Come True … Learn, Grow, Become …
Located at:
5154 Okeechobee Blvd
West Palm Beach, FL 33417
Phone: (561)683-1400
Fax: (561)683-6773
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Long Range Plan for Adequacy and Improvement of Physical Facilities and Technical Infrastructure

The purpose of this plan is to 1) develop and maintain a long range plan for the adequacy and improvement of the physical facility and technical infrastructure of the facility, 2) to verify the presence and adequate maintenance of physical/technical resources appropriate and essential for the achievement of each program objective, including on line programs for the future of ANHO according to a long range plan. The Director of Operations is responsible for this Plan.

Objective: To ensure the physical plant and technical infrastructure is maintained to provide safety and updated educational needs of the students, faculty, staff and visitors and to ensure that appropriate funds are available.

  1. Management Team assesses facility and campus needs as well as the technical infrastructure needs of the campus to meet the long range needs and objectives of the programs offered and provide for the needs of students, faculty, administrative staff and visitors. Long range financial resources are planned for accordingly.

  2. Input is sought from students, staff, faculty and advisors. These suggestions are given to faulty and the Management Team for evaluation and determination for implementation. Current and future changes in the workplace are of paramount importance.

  3. Safety inspection reports are coordinated by the Director of Operations and/or a fire department representative to the Management Team for their review, evaluation and where needed, implementation of improvement.

  4. The Director of Operations offers annual input to the landlord’s long range building improvement plans to accommodate ANHO’s needs.

  5. On-line course infrastructure is evaluated by each class and modified as necessary. Technical infrastructure is maintained weekly by the Director of Operations and long range plans are implemented as curriculum plans change and advances are required.


Student, staff and faculty input is considered and evaluated by the management team with annual reviews of policy and procedures done by the Advisory Council and Governing Board of ANHO. The Executive Director evaluates all data on an annual basis and presents findings to all constituents’ instructional personnel and administrative staff at an annual staff meeting via the Executive Director’s Evaluative Report. Appropriate improvements are made each year to accommodate long range needs.

Revised 03/22/2022