Academy for Nursing and Health Occupations

A Private, Not-for-Profit, Licensed and Nationally Accredited College of Nursing
Where dreams of a Better Tomorrow Come True … Learn, Grow, Become …
Located at:
5154 Okeechobee Blvd
West Palm Beach, FL 33417
Phone: (561)683-1400
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Learning Remediation Plan for Nursing Students
POLICY:    Learning Remediation processes are integrated into ANHO Nursing Curriculum


  1. All nursing students are provided with a Learning System to use throughout their nursing program and for up to one year post-training completion. These materials require on line access either at home or at ANHO. These materials are supplemental to approved text books, text study guides, classroom work and homework assignments.

  2. The Learning Remediation materials address the following topics:
    1. Fundamentals of Nursing Practice
    2. Pharmacology of Nursing Practice
    3. Adult Medical-Surgical Nursing
    4. Maternal-Newborn Nursing
    5. Nursing Care of Children
    6. Mental Health Nursing

  3. Throughout the Nursing Program classroom and homework learning exercises are outlined in the Nursing Syllabus. This Learning Remediation is provided as a tool to help students succeed.

  4. Practice Tests may be taken at various times throughout the program to:
    1. enhance the student’s ability to work with computerization and Internet based programs in the learning process;
    2. provide the student with immediate feedback relative to his/her understanding of specific subject material through the use of on-line testing. This is followed by the identification of those areas within specific subjects where the student is weak in his/her knowledge. This then allows the student to develop an on line focused review to address those deficits and be able to intensify learning in those areas of identified need.
    3. Provide incentive to the student to achieve a satisfactory grade on the final subject exam or subject SAT.

  5. Should a student fail a course, it is imperative that the Learning Remediation materials are to be utilized for remedial purposes (as well as the learning opportunity sessions on Fridays). Utilization of on line materials for learning purposes will be monitored by the instructor as well as participation in learning opportunity sessions on Fridays.

  6. Compliance with this plan as outlined is monitored by the Assistant Academic Dean by viewing and printing the individual student transcript from the website as needed. This report is utilized during academic advisement and at midpoints throughout the program.

Feedback:  All plans are publicly posted outside of the Media Center, school website, and server all to peruse.

Revised February 26,2020