ANHO 2024 Strategic Plan
ANHO Plans
Plan for Job Placement Services
Plan for Programs and Institutional Outcomes Follow Up
Work Readiness Program
Instructional Plan For Work Based Activities
Plan for the Health and Safety of Students in Cases of Sickness,
Accidents, or Emergency Healthcare Needs on Campus
Plan for Maintaining, Replacing and Disposing of Obsolete Equipment
Plan for Determining the Effectiveness of Student and Faculty Services
Plan For Health and Safety of the Institution's Employees, Students, and Guests
Plan for Media Service
Default Management Plan
Custodial Care Plan
Plan for the Ongoing Operation, Maintenance of the
Physical Facilities/Technical Infrastructure and Distance Education Infrastructure
Policy for Instructional Equipment
Instructional Supplies Statement
Learning Remediation Plan for Nursing Students
Plan for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Student Retention in all Programs
Long Range Plan for Adequacy and Improvement of Physical Technical Infrastructure
Plan for Protection of the Institution’s Technical Infrastructure
About Us
Institutional Mission Statement
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Belief Statement
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Organizational Structure
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ANHO Licensure / Accreditation
Non-Discrimination and ADA Policy
State Complaints Process
Employee Grievance / Complaint Procedure
Grievance/Complaint Procedure For Non-Employee/Non-Student
Admission Standards Policy
Admission Requirements
For Patient Care Technician and Home Health Aida/Nurse Assistant
For Practical Nursing Including IV Skills And Critical Thinking,
Associate Of Science Degree In Practical Nursing,
Associate Of Science Degree In Nursing
Important Notice Regarding Criminal Backgrounds
Financial Aid
Predispute Arbitration And Class Action Waivers
Financial Aid
Policies and Procedures For DHS
Net Price Calculator
Cares Act
Net Price Calculator
Student Services
Learning Resources
Friday Learning Opportunities
Introduction To the World Of Evolve HESI
Learning Remediation For Practical Nursing Students
Introduction To the World Of ATI
Student Services
Satisfactory Progress
Standard 1 - Academic
Standard 2 - Attendance
Standard 3 - Decorum
Standard 4 - Skills
Standard 5 - Maximum Time Frame
Rules And Regulations For Both
Clock And Credit Hour
Scholastic Standards
Policy For Repeating Coursework In Audit Status
Missed Hours
Continual Acceptance Period
The Family Educational Rights And Privacy Act
Student Records
Student Records
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Record Policy
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Grievance Procedures For Students
Grievance Procedures For (SARA) Students
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Licensure and Certification
Student Enrollment Agreement
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Sexual Misconduct Complaint Procedure
Drug Free
Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program Notice To Students and Employees
Saftey In Private Spaces Policy
Additional Info
ASRs - Annual Saftey Report(s)
Programs Offered
Schedule Of Programs
Schedule Of Programs
Course Numbering System
Units Of Credit
Continuing Education
Associate Of Science Degree Nursing (Professional)
Associate Of Science Degree In Practical Nursing
Patient Care Technician
Home Health Aide/Nurse Assistant
Practical Nursing Including IV Skills And Critical Thinking
Program Price List
Cost of Attendance
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Academy for Nursing and Health Occupations
A Private, Not-for-Profit, Licensed and Nationally Accredited College of Nursing
Where dreams of a Better Tomorrow Come True … Learn, Grow, Become …
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West Palm Beach, FL 33417
Phone: (561)683-1400
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Practical Nursing Including IV Skills and Critical Thinking
Award: Occupational Associate Degree
51 Weeks - Day
64 Weeks - Evening
Practical Nursing
Clock Hours:
Theory Hours:
Lab Hours:
Clinical Hours:
Program Outcomes: 1) To prepare students to meet the requirements of the Florida Department of Health, Board of Nursing for Practical Nurse Education and eligibility for licensing exams, 2) To prepare students to work as Practical Nurses in a variety of settings in a safe and effective manner, 3) To prepare students to be well prepared to serve their fellow man/woman consistent with the role and scope of practice for Practical Nursing according to the current State of Florida Nurse Practice Act, 4) To obtain Critical Thinking Skills and Work Readiness for the field of Practical Nursing After satisfactory completion of this program, students are eligible to take the NCLEX-PN Examination
Program Description: This program will include 1518 hours of laboratory, classroom and clinical practice for students wishing to be prepared to pass the National Licensing Exams for Practical Nurses and to be well prepared to serve their fellow men and women as Practical Nurses. The knowledge and skills taught are consistent with the role and scope of practice defined by the Florida Board of Nursing and are to be performed under the direction and guidance of a Registered Nurse, a licensed Physician, a licensed Osteopathic Physician, a licensed Podiatrist or a Licensed Dentist. This program is offered utilizing a non-traditional integrated curriculum designed to enhance students understanding and practical application of knowledge from the less complex and building to more complex concepts. It includes education in the areas of Medical/Surgical Nursing, as well as the special and unique nursing care needs of pediatric, obstetrical and geriatric patients. It includes nursing care skills and applications needed for a variety of settings such as acute, long term, and care in the home. It will cover such topics as the vocational role and functions for the Practical Nurse, Foundations and Fundamentals of Nursing Care, Infection control, Body Structure and Function, Human Growth and Development, Personal and Family Care in Multiple Environments, Mental Health Concepts, Nutrition, Pharmacology and Medicine Administration, Ethical and Legal Aspects of Practice, Interpersonal Relationships, Current Issues and Employability Skills. Students will be guided to be aware of the importance of lifelong learning, taking responsibility for learning and to use critical thinking skills via the SCANS model. Remediation opportunities will be made available and encouraged throughout the program. The State of Florida approved Curriculum Framework and Performance Standards for Practical Nurses are applied throughout. National Patient Safety Standards and Quality Measures are incorporated throughout.
Program Learning Outcomes
Patient-Centered Care
- Recognize the patient or designee as the source of control and fullpartner in providing compassionate and coordinated care based on respect for patient’spreferences, values, and needs.
Teamwork and Collaboration
- Function effectively within nursing and inter-professionalteams, fostering open communication, mutual respect, and shared decision-making toachieve quality patient care.
Evidence Based Practice
- Integrate best current evidence with clinical expertise andpatient/family preferences and values for delivery of optimal health care.
Quality Improvement
- Use data to monitor the outcomes of care processes and useimprovement methods to design and test changes to continuously improve the quality andsafety of health care systems.
- Minimizes risk of harm to patients and providers through both system effectivenessand individual performance.
- Use information and technology to communicate, manage knowledge
Upon successful completion of this program, graduates must pass the Florida Board of Nursing Exam for Licensed Practical Nurse.
Description of Courses:
PRN0098A(Th) / PRN0098A/L (Lab) Basic Skills: 95 hours
Theory=57 Hrs Lab= 38 Hrs Clinical=0 Hrs
Course Description:
This course is an introduction to Health Care and the Health Care environment. It prepares the student to provide basic care to patients. It is the first occupational completion point in the program. Completion of this course qualifies a student to sit for their Certified Nursing Assistant Exam in the State of Florida.
Student responsibility for learning is explored including study and work habits, financial and life management skills to ensure student success.
Course Objectives for Theory & Lab:
This course will provide basic skills for learning and studying. Students will complete the 22 Essential Nursing Skills. Students will obtain CPR Certification. Perform patient and personal care as it pertains to the practical nurse. SLO#3 Assist with restorative (rehabilitative) activities. SLO#3 Recognize and practice safety, security and emergency procedures. SLO#5
Academic Progression:
While a student may progress if they are unsatisfactory in Basic Skills, they will be placed on Academic Probation for the remainder of the term. Satisfactory Progression Rules apply for any student who has not passed the CNA exam prior to the end of the term up to and including termination. Because Patient Safety Risk is such an important matter for clinical performance probation or termination is the appropriate assigned status.
PRN0098B (Th) - Body Structure and Function - 85 hours
Theory=85 Hrs Lab=0 Hrs Clinical=0 Hrs
Course Description:
This course will provide students with knowledge of the total human body structure, systems, functions, growth and its development spanning the life stages. It will offer students a foundation upon which to understand the effect, illness, disease and dysfunction has on the human body and the resultant inter relatedness of each organ and system.
Course Objective:
Describe the structure and function of the human body.
PRN0099A (Th) / PRN0099A/CL (Clin) - Nursing Process & Geriatric Nursing - 270 hours
Theory=77 Hrs Lab=0 Hrs Clinical=193 Hrs
Course Descriptions:
This Nursing Process and Geriatric Nursing course is taught with a corresponding clinical experience component. Nursing Process and Geriatric Nursing will be taught prior to students moving onto the more complex involved care for those with serious and complicated illnesses and surgeries. It will include the knowledge of physical comfort and safety functions, providing personal patient care, and performing nursing tasks and procedures. The importance of principles of Infection Control, Aseptic Techniques, Verbal and Written Communication and Documentation, and Legal and Ethical Responsibilities will be stressed along with the performance of skills. Nursing Theoretical Frameworks will be reviewed so that students will have an understanding of theory upon which Nursing Procedures are based. The Course encompasses the Nurse’s role in assisting with data collecting and care plan implementation. This course will average 2 hours of lecture daily and 5.5 hours of clinical daily for 9 weeks.
Course Objectives for Theory & Clincal:
Demonstrate knowledge of the healthcare delivery system and health occupations.
Recognize and practice safety, security and emergency procedures.
Demonstrate knowledge of blood borne diseases, including HIV/AIDS.
Perform patient and personal care as it pertains to the practical nurse.
Provide patient-centered care for the geriatric population.
Assist with restorative (rehabilitative) activities.
Demonstrate organizational functions, following the patient plan of care.
Demonstrate computer literacy as related to nursing functions.
Use appropriate verbal and written communications in the performance of nursing
Demonstrate legal and ethical responsibilities specific to the nursing profession.
Apply the principles of infection control, utilizing nursing principles.
Perform aseptic techniques.
Apply principles of nutrition as it relates to practical nursing scope of practice.
Describe human growth and development across the lifespan.
Demonstrate the performance of nursing procedures.
Demonstrate how to provide bio-psycho-social support
Demonstrate healthy lifestyle responsibility specific to personal health maintenance.
Implement education and resources for family wellness.
Participate in Community Health Awareness Forums.
PRN0099B (Th) / PRN0099B/L (Lab) - Pharmacology & Medication Administration & IV Skills - 110hours
Theory=55 Hrs Lab=55 Hrs Clinical=0 Hrs
Course Description:
This course is intended to teach the Student Practical Nurse to administer medication with concern for safety, precision, and attention to important physiologic factors and teaches students to correlate pharmacological response to nursing action. It stresses the importance of patient education about medication as a part of the patient’s complete treatment plan. It covers drug classifications, actions, interactions, monitoring parameters, patient variables, techniques of medication administration, distribution systems, medication administration records and documentation. The course is meant to afford the student a solid foundation upon which to administer medications, and monitor specific drug effects on individuals.
Course Objectives for Theory & Lab:
Demonstrate how to administer medication.
Demonstrate how to care for the Medical/Surgical patient with a cardiovascular, respiratory, lymphatic, musculoskeletal, endocrine, or integumentary disease/disorder
Demonstrate how to care for the Medical/Surgical patient with a gastrointestinal, neurological, urinary, reproductive, or oncologic disease/disorder.
PRN0290/0291 (Th) / PRN0280/0291/CL (Clin) - Medical Surgical Nursing - 340 hours
Theory=168 Hrs Lab= 0 Hrs Clinical= 172 Hrs
Course Description:
This course is offered for Practical Nursing students to learn about and experience the nursing skills and tasks that are appropriate and necessary to care for medical/surgical patients within their role and scope of practice. It includes clinical experience in a Medical/Surgical setting. At this point in the program, students transition to learning more complex nursing care needs of patients, resulting in utilizing knowledge of Asepsis, Diagnostics, Common Diseases and conditions, and Medical and Surgical Procedures. This course includes various illness states, admission, discharge, pre and post medical and surgical procedures and care. The complexity of the entire patient, family and cultural needs are taught. Students will begin to experience the changing routines associated with day, evening and/or night shift. They will be learning to apply their correct role in assisting Registered Nurses with implementing Care Plans for medical/surgical patients and for the promotion of health and wellness, with age and cultural considerations. There will be a strong emphasis on accurate documentation, monitoring and reporting outcomes. Critical thinking exercises are utilized to enhance learning. This course includes the Curriculum Framework and Performance Standards of the Florida Department of Education regarding Medical/Surgical Nursing. It is a further goal of this course for the student to begin to integrate knowledge from previous courses (Basic Skills, Body Structure and Function, Nursing Process and Geriatric Nursing and Pharmacology). This integration of knowledge is demonstrated in the clinical setting through care giving activities for patients with actual and potential health problems and through student’s Data Collection and Care Analysis assignments. The integration and retention of knowledge is measured in the didactic setting through Case Study exercises, Unit Exams and a Stand-Alone Test in Pharmacology.
Course Theory and Clinical Objectives:
Demonstrate knowledge of blood borne diseases, including HIV/AIDS
Demonstrate organizational functions, following the patient plan of care.
Demonstrate computer literacy as related to nursing functions.
Use appropriate verbal and written communications in the performance of nursing functions.
Demonstrate the performance of nursing procedures.
Participate in Community Health Awareness Forums.
Demonstrate how to care for the surgical patient with a Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Lymphatic, Musculoskeletal, Endocrine or Integumentary disease/disorder.
Demonstrate how to care for pre-operative and post-operative patients, utilizing nursing principles
Demonstrate how to care for the surgical patient with a Gastrointestinal, Neurological, Urinary, Reproductive or Oncologic disease/disorder.
PRN0690A (Th) / PRN0690A/CL (Clin) - Obstetrics/Family Care: 120 hours
Theory=52 Hrs Lab= 0 Hrs Clinical=68 Hrs
Course Description:
This course is offered for Practical Nursing students along with an associated and related clinical practice experience in order to accomplish the learning objectives for the specialty area of Maternity and Newborn Nursing. Current trends in the delivery of Maternal Child Nursing Care are addressed to include nursing needs in the hospital and in the home. The Practical Nurses’ role and scope of responsibility for nursing care, health promotion, legal and ethical considerations, and contemporary trends are taught. The course stresses the family as a unit including culturally diverse preferences, implications, and the importance of considering all family members when providing care. Learning about Fertility Management and Obstetrical Complications help students to understand and address current patient issues and problems. Health promotion, disease prevention and the importance of patient teaching are stressed. Integration of knowledge continues in this course and is demonstrated in the clinical setting through care giving activities for patients with actual and potential health problems and through student’s Data Collection and Care Planning assignments. Integration and retention of knowledge is measured in the didactic setting through Case Study exercises, Mid Term Exam, a Comprehensive Exam in Obstetrics and Family Care Nursing and a Stand-Alone Test in Medical Surgical Nursing.
Course Objectives for Theory & Clinical:
Describe human growth and development across the lifespan
Demonstrate how to provide bio-psycho-social support.
Demonstrate healthy lifestyle responsibility specific to personal health maintenance.
Implement education and resources for family wellness.
Participate in Community Health Awareness Forums.
Demonstrate how to care for maternal/newborn patients, utilizing nursing principles.
Demonstrate knowledge of SIDS/ SUIDS as it relates to the practical nursing role
PRN0690B (Th) / PRN0690B/CL (Clin) - Pediatrics/Family Care: -120 hours
Theory=52 Hrs Lab=0 Hrs Clinical=68 Hrs
Course Description:
This course is offered for Practical Nursing students along with an associated and related clinical practice experience in order to accomplish the learning objectives for the specialty area of Pediatric Nursing Care. The special needs of children and their families are addressed to include the child’s unique health, recreational, nutritional, and safety needs. Common health problems of children are studied including: alterations in body temperature, skin problems, infectious disorders, orthopedic, respiratory, cardiovascular, GI, metabolic, GU and hematological problems. The special care, skills and tasks associated with rehabilitation, grief and loss are studied. This course includes the Curriculum Framework and Performance Standards of the Florida Department of Education regarding Pediatric Nursing for Practical Nurses. Integration of knowledge continues in this course and is demonstrated in the clinical setting through care giving activities for patients with actual and potential health problems and through student’s Data Collection and Care Analysis assignments. Integration and retention of knowledge is measured in the didactic setting through Case Study exercises, Mid Term Exam, a Comprehensive Exam in Pediatric Nursing and an Obstetrics Stand-Alone Test.
Course Objectives for Theory & Clinical:
Describe human growth and development across the lifespan.
Demonstrate how to provide bio-psycho-social support.
Demonstrate healthy lifestyle responsibility specific to personal health maintenance.
Implement education and resources for family wellness.
Participate in Community Health Awareness Forums.
Demonstrate knowledge of SIDS/ SUIDS as it relates to the practical nursing role.
PRN0690C (Th) / PRN0690C/CL (Clin) - Mental Health/Family Care - 69 hours
Theory=30 Hrs Lab=0 Hrs Clinical=39 Hrs
Course Description:
This course is offered for Practical Nursing students along with an associated and related clinical practice experience in order to accomplish the learning objectives for the specialty area of Mental Health Nursing Care. Students will study the varied aspects of Psychiatric Nursing in the hospital and outpatient setting as well as learn the pharmaceutical and other forms of treatment of mental illness and the role of the Practical Nurse. Nursing skills and tasks are learned and clinical examples are used as a means to understand the complexities of this specialty. Substance abuse, family abuse and violence are topics covered in this course along with the Practical Nurses’ role in fostering and encouraging prevention and treatment. Community resources for patients will be highlighted. Causative factors for disorders and associated client behaviors and influences will be taught along with the special needs of the patient and family. Integration of knowledge continues in this course and is demonstrated in the clinical setting through care giving activities for patients with actual and potential health problems and through student’s Data Collection and Care Planning assignments. Integration and retention of knowledge is measured in the didactic setting through Case Study exercises, and a Comprehensive Exam in Mental Health and Family Care Nursing.
Course Objectives for Theory & Clinical:
Use appropriate verbal and written communications in the performance of nursing functions.
Demonstrate how to provide bio-psycho-social support.
Demonstrate healthy lifestyle responsibility specific to personal health maintenance.
Implement education and resources for family wellness.
Participate in Community Health Awareness Forums.
PRN0690C (Th) - Transitional Skills and Critical Thinking- 144 hours
Theory=144 Hrs Lab=0 Hrs Clinical=0 Hrs
Course Description:
This course is offered for the student who is about to complete the Practical Nursing Program, in order to assist the student in preparing to enter the workforce. Current Issues in Nursing and Healthcare are presented in order to give students an appreciation for the current occupational climate they are about to enter. Employment goals, job search activities, resume writing, and interviewing skills are taught so that students learn how to access employment opportunities. Students will participate in exercises designed to build self-esteem and self-confidence in preparation for showcasing strengths during their job search. Guidelines for examinations (NCLEX), licensure, endorsement and reciprocity will be included. This course includes a review of pertinent aspects of the Florida Nurse Practice Act as well as current trends in the profession of nursing.
Course Objectives:
Participate in Community Health Awareness Forums.
Develop transitional skills.
Demonstrate employability skills specific to practical nursing.
All prior coursework must be successfully completed prior to entering PRN0690D
PRN0690D (Th) - Integration - 165 hours
Theory=165 Hrs Lab=0 Hrs Clinical=0 Hrs
This course is designed to provide the student with an opportunity to demonstrate mastery of all previous coursework. All previous program objectives and content will be tested with emphasis on the assimilation and integration of all the principles and vital information they will need to safely, efficiently and effectively provide nursing care. Successful completion of this portion of the program will assure that all basic competencies are met and that the student is eligible to take the NCLEX-PN Exam and practice Practical Nursing consistent with entry level expectations.
Course Objectives:
Demonstrate knowledge of the healthcare delivery system and health occupations.
Recognize and practice safety, security and emergency procedures.
Demonstrate knowledge of blood borne diseases, including HIV/AIDS.
Perform patient and personal care as it pertains to the practical nurse.
Provide patient-centered care for the geriatric population.
Assist with restorative (rehabilitative) activities.
Demonstrate organizational functions, following the patient plan of care.
Demonstrate computer literacy as related to nursing functions.
Use appropriate verbal and written communications in the performance of nursing function
Demonstrate legal and ethical responsibilities specific to the nursing profession.
Apply the principles of infection control, utilizing nursing principles.
Perform aseptic techniques.
Describe the structure and function of the human body
Apply principles of nutrition as it relates to Practical Nursing Scope of Practice.
Describe human growth and development across the lifespan
Demonstrate the performance of nursing procedures.
Demonstrate how to administer medication.
Demonstrate how to provide bio-psycho-social support.
Demonstrate healthy lifestyle responsibility specific to personal health maintenance.
Implement education and resources for family wellness.
Participate in Community Health Awareness Forums.
Demonstrate how to care for the surgical patient with a Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Lymphatic, Musculoskeletal, Endocrine or Integumentary disease/disorder.
Demonstrate how to care for pre-operative and post-operative patients, utilizing nursing principles.
Demonstrate how to care for the surgical patient with a Gastrointestinal, Neurological, Urinary, Reproductive or Oncologic disease/disorder.
Demonstrate how to care for maternal/newborn patients, utilizing nursing principles.
Demonstrate knowledge of SIDS/ SUIDS as it relates to the practical nursing role.
Demonstrate how to care for pediatric patients, utilizing nursing principles.
Prerequisites: There is no Prerequisite required prior to entering the Practical Nursing Program, however, all courses included in the Practical Nursing Program are linear in nature.
Please see
Admission Requirements
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